Cathy Dyer

How To: Family Meals
“...empower parents to promote children’s ability to self-regulate energy intake while providing appropriate structure and boundaries around eating.”
- Committee on Nutrition of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Tips to get you started having family meals that empower you as a parent to nourish and nurture your family with confidence, while teaching your child healthy habits to last a lifetime.

How To: Make Oatmeal Interesting
Packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber, whole grain oatmeal can help lower LDL and total cholesterol levels, reduce blood sugar and insulin response, increase your feeling of fullness, aid in weight control efforts, aid in regularity, and promote the growth of helpful bacteria in your digestive tract.
Oatmeal is a quick and easy to make whole grain. One half cup of oats, one half cup of water, one half cup of milk, and a pinch of salt to aid gel formation, brought to a boil and then left to simmer on low until done (about 5 minutes depending on the type you purchase). Voilà! Your oatmeal is ready.
This handout lists things you can add to your oatmeal to make it interesting.